Trade Financing
The management of financial risk is the key to our succes. We have a dedicated team who set up the best financial structure for each transaction taking into account the needs of both the producer and buyer. Our administrators will check the company’s rating, the facilities for the buyer, the rating of the buyer’s bank and any other risks involved.
Our longstanding relationship with all the major credit insurance institutes over the world ensure a strong financial position. Our trade finance team is enabling us to move our turnover divided over transactions going also through complex financial systems. We remain innovative not only on steel supply, but in trade related solutions.
Working with STEELEX, you only worry about when your next purchase will take place. The rest, we will take care of it.
Steelex Metal Dış Ticaret A.Ş.
Yenişehir Mh. Demokrasi Bulvarı
54/A İzmit – Kocaeli / TURKEY
+90 262 320 0163
Branch Office
Steelex B.V.
Sluisjesdijk 37 3087AD
+31 6 53 60 86 60